We Moved Across The Country

If you could move anywhere in the world…where would you go?

Now imagine that you did it. Yup. You just packed up your stuff and left. YOLO, right?? Well that’s exactly what we did. We were tired of talking about all of the things we “could” do. We were done discussing our dreams and goals and we were ready to make them a reality! We packed up our entire house and moved our family over 2,000 miles away. From our little house in New Mexico all the way to the coast of Maine and New Hampshire!

When we announced we were leaving, we got so many mixed responses! Some people were happy for us, others were shocked, and some were even angry. It was a lot to take in! This is why it has taken me a few months to get around to writing this post. We had so much going on and emotions were high! But I am so excited to finally share everything I can about our move across the country!

I took the five most asked questions about our move and I am answering them completely and honestly on here! So here we go!

Why did we move?

Okay so this is probably the most asked question out of all of these! Everyone wanted to know why? To be honest, my husband and I have always loved to travel! We’ve been traveling all over together since we were in high school. We have visited so many new places that we knew we wanted to try something a little different for our kids. We really loved the idea of them growing up close to the ocean and we also knew we wanted to live in a colder climate. Call us crazy but this was something we’ve both wanted and talked about since we were teenagers! We wanted to be in an area where there was a lot of family friendly things to do also.

So once we got engaged we spent the next five years traveling to new potential places that we wanted to settle down and raise our family. Once we found the perfect place, we started getting serious about it! It wasn’t until last year that we actively started applying for jobs in the New England area and then by October of 2018, Seth got a job and we moved!

Why did we choose the East Coast?

So we were on vacation a few years ago visiting New England for the first time and absolutely fell in love with the coastal lifestyle here! There was so much history everywhere we went. Everyone we met was so welcoming, there were so many young families, and so much for the kids to do. We found out later on that the public schools in the area were phenomenal and that the crime rates were extremely low. For us, it quite literally had everything we had ever dreamed of for our little family. This was our version of paradise 🙂

It is hard to explain but we just felt at home when we were here. Like this was where we were supposed to be. Every family is different and likes different things! But for us, this was our happy place!

Is this permanent?

When we announced we were leaving we had some people telling us that this was going to be a great “experience” for us. What a lot of people didn’t know was that the decision to uproot our kids and move them all the way across the country was not something we took lightly. It was something we had been articulately planning for years. We knew it would be expensive and it wouldn’t be easy, we knew it would be a huge change for our babies…so we made sure we were 100% ready to leave. We also made sure that wherever we moved to had everything we ever wanted because that’s where we were going to buy a home and settle down. We don’t plan on moving again, it was a lot of work!

What are our plans out here?

Right now Seth is still in training at work but he absolutely loves working out here! Lily started preschool when we got here and she’ll be starting kindergarten this year! When she starts kinder I’ll be putting Luke in a preschool type program so that I can finish my masters! For now though, I’m embracing being a stay-at-home mom while I still can! We’ve been exploring our new home and trying to adapt to everything!

Why did we keep our move a secret for so long?

I wanted so badly to take everyone along on our journey when we started to plan our move! But we decided a long time ago to keep it to ourselves just in case it didn’t end up working out for us! Seth was flying out for interviews and training for tests, we were so busy preparing for everything that I didn’t have a chance to announce anything. Once Seth got his job we literally had three weeks to move! That’s when I told everyone!

We will always love our home in New Mexico and we’ll be so excited to go back and visit our family! But we are so happy where we are! I think the biggest thing I’ve learned from this move is that we owe it to ourselves to live our life to the fullest always! We were so scared to move because of what other people would think of us! Which was dumb! Life is short, do what you love and love what you do!



  1. Veronica
    January 7, 2019 / 11:02 pm

    Thank you for sharing! I am too from New Mexico and my husband and I are also HS sweethearts and we’ve always talked about moving to another state. We have held back (mostly me) from moving because of the same reasons it seemed why you held back. We’d love to live by the ocean as well but we know it’s a huge decision especially never living anywhere else other then NM.

    • amberwoods28@gmail.com
      January 31, 2019 / 4:01 am

      I love that you guys are high school sweethearts too!! And I know exactly how you feel! It definitely wasn’t easy leaving and trying something new. You never know if you’ll love it until you try it! Now that we are here we keep asking ourselves why it took us so long to get here!

  2. Monique
    January 22, 2019 / 6:22 pm

    Ive always looked up to u since high school. Im sure u don’t remember me. Im actually ur sisters age. But behind the scenes u were an inspiration And still are for me. Now that I’m starting my lil family u still inspire me. Take the leap! I can do this! We can do this! (Eric and I) thank u so much lady for sharing! Bless u and ur family!

    • amberwoods28@gmail.com
      January 31, 2019 / 4:10 am

      You have me emotional over here! Happy tears! Congratulations on your new little family! I’m sure you’re going to be an amazing mama! And you guys can do ANYTHING you set your mind to. People think that once you have babies that your life stops, but girl, your life is just beginning! I’m excited for you and I’ll be here rooting for you!!

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