My One Year Postpartum Update

Hey mamas!

Can you believe it has already been ONE year since I had Luke?? I still can’t get over it.

July was a super busy month for us! We celebrated Luke’s first birthday so I was swamped with making sure he had everything perfect for his big day! I almost went the entire month without writing a single blog post! That has never happened!!

I thought this would be a great time to give you guys a little update on how I’m doing at twelve months postpartum. My last update was when I was six months postpartum! You can read that blog post here.


The big question I’ve been getting asked these days is how much I weigh! Here is a quick breakdown: My pre-pregnancy weight was 125 pounds and on the day I delivered Luke I weighed 187 pounds. At six months postpartum I was weighing 140. Now at twelve months postpartum I weigh 129.

I’m so proud of my progress because I did workout a lot to get here! It’s hard though. I feel like I bounced back so quickly after my first pregnancy but it has been so different this second time around. I have bigger hips, more muscle loss, and my body is taking so much longer to tone back up…I’m definitely rocking that mom bod! But I’m not complaining at all! I still have my fitness goals in place and I’m still staying as active as I can. Also, I have two beautiful little souls that my body brought into this world and for that I’m so thankful!


I had started losing hair at about one month postpartum and I was freaking out! I was having to vacuum the house like twice a day and nobody could touch my hair because then strands would start coming out. It was a mess! I had never dealt with this after my first pregnancy so I wasn’t sure how long it would last. It stopped at ten months postpartum and miraculously my hair is back to its original thickness! You can’t stop this mop!


It took awhile for my hormones to go back to normal. My skin was extremely dry and I was breaking out. I also had some crazy mood swings during my first few months postpartum. For a minute there I really thought I was never going to feel like myself again! I would honestly say that I didn’t start feeling “normal” until about the past two months. So if you are going through this, know that it will pass. I feel great now that everything has normalized!


Life at the moment is so good you guys! I know I have been open on my Instagram with how hard it was for me to adjust to two babies but I have finally gotten the hang of things! It only took an entire year lol. Now that Luke is mobile and is able to interact more with Lily it has been so much easier. We are still breastfeeding though so he does have his extra clingy days where that’s all he wants to do! But he is starting to sleep better so I am finally feeling like I’m getting a good nights rest. Luke is loving his new-found independence which has allowed me to find more time to focus on self-care. It’s all been about finding that right balance!

Thank you for reading loves! Have a wonderful day!


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